Thursday, July 7, 2011

This week. Moral ambivalence.

Casey Anthony, a bizarre trial from the outset. No comments were more convoluted than when her defence lawyer, Jose Baez, told the Jury that they were not there to stand in judgement of his client.
They were there to give her a "Fair trial" and fairness was what it was all about.
What this defence advocate did through passion, persuasion and specious arguments was to take the jury by the hand and lead them into a fog of moral ambivalence. The issue facing these eight women and four men was suddenly no longer about justice being served but about their own view of  what  constituted "fairness".
Instead of the objective standards of the law, Mr Baez faced the jury with their own subjective standards of what "fairness" represented and thus won the day.
We are all headed for our day in court and none of us will get a fair trial. The 10 commandments have pronounced us all guilty. But thank God we have an advocate for our defence. He is a Jewish Lawyer called Jesus and His services are free.
Want his phone #.  It is JER. 33:3.
Enjoy your interview.

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