Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Traditions and their importance.

       Danton                                                                                                Robspierre

Yesterday's post produced some discussion around the importance of Christian tradition.

In 1794 at the height of the French Revolution a massive attempt was made to "de-christianize" the nation.

It began with eradicating all Christian festivals and traditions. 
Then many of the churches in Paris were changed into "Temples of Reason" where pagan plays substituted worship and sermons. To top it off, the seven day week was turned into  ten days and the Sunday rest day was abolished.

Robspierre, Danton and their gang of thugs thought they had done the people a great service.

Their salvation of society also included decapitating 100,000 of their fellow citizens in what was termed "The Red Mass".

Meanwhile, thirty miles away across the English channnel, England had gone through a spiritual awakening under the inspired preaching of the Wesley's and George Whitfield, that swept half the nation into the Kingdom of God.

By 1795 the bloodbath in France was over and the nation was left prostrated.

England, however, was vaulted by God to become leader of an Empire upon which the sun never set.

The lesson from all of this?  Be careful who you believe!

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