Thursday, December 8, 2011

" A date that shall live in infamy.."..

December 7th, 1941. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

We all know of that devastating moment. Indeed, as President Roosevelt so succinctly stated, it was "a date that shall live in infamy"

What is not known or even quoted was Winston Churchill's response on hearing the news of this infamous event.

He exclaimed: "Our prayers have been answered."

Not that he was rejoicing in the hell and destruction that had rained down on Hawaii, but that he knew that America would now become involved in Britain's war with Germany.

You know the rest of the story.

Is it not strange what God will do to awaken a sleeping giant?

Yes, and is it not also strange that what is seen as a calamity by some may be a cause of rejoicing for others?

The cry of "havoc" in your circumstances today  may have changed to a heartfelt "Hallelujah" by tomorrow.

Romans 8:28

Just a thought.


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