Tuesday, December 6, 2011

sincere apologies. Technical hitch.


Yesterday we had problems with our transmission. What Ken called "a bird on the wire". It must have been mocking bird because we didn't fix things until this morning! Here is our post for December 6th.

A hundred years ago Santa would not have had this problem:
 the Wright brothers were just about off the ground in their first air-plane.

Living in the 21st Century has its challenges.

We used to sing a song

 "You better get in, get out or get run over."

We used that thought in encouraging people to make a permanent, irrevocable decision to follow Christ, but it could apply to all major choices in life.

Yoda, more recently, said "Do or do not: there is no try"

Maybe you are facing a big decision today? Take a deep breath, trust God and do it. If you procrastinate you may finish up being run over with Santa.


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