Sunday, January 29, 2012

The scientists: Sir Isaac Newton.

Intellectual arrogance must surely be one of the surest signs of a godless age.
The twenty first century has produced a special breed of atheists that strut on the field of science and yell out challenges to God like Goliath of old.

This week the series on the scientists is a reminder that the scientific knowledge we enjoy today was given to us by giants, both of intellectual and spiritual prowess, the like of which has never been exceeded.

 Isaac Newton was such a man.

 Born in England in 1642, it soon became clear that he was a genius in the sphere of science and mathematics.

By the age of 20 he had gained degrees at Cambridge university where he continued to study and lecture for the next thirty years. He developed a new branch of mathematics called "Calculus" and explained in his writings, 'The Principia', the laws of mechanics, thermo-dynamics, optics and motion.

 Not content with these mighty forays into the physical world, he also wrote a book on Judeo-Christian prophecy which was the best seller of it's day.

He was one of the towering believers of his day.

Strange that this man, voted the man of the century by Time magazine, was born at the outbreak of the civil war and had his most productive years in 1665 and 1666, the years of the Great Plague and the Great fire of London.

Take heart. In the worst of times and in the darkest days God can give us His brightest lights.


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