Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sharon January 28th 1972.

I thought it was fitting after the commemoration of Margaret that we should complete life's cycle with a celebration of my daughter Sharon's 40th birthday.

Back in the 1970's in England, the idea of a father standing in the delivery room with his wife was still new.

On the day of my son, Mark's, birth I had gladly handed Pauline into the hands of my retired Irish neighbour, to be driven to the nursing home, while I went in the other direction to teach school.

But nearly two years had passed and it was decided that I be present for the happy event of Sharon's arrival.

Pauline was pretty much ready to deliver by the time we got to the nursing home in Southport.

Manfully I held her hand in the waiting room  attempting a few heavy breaths from time to time. But suddenly the moment came. My wife was wheeled into the birthing room and I naturally attempted to follow her.

Not so. A large nurse with an Irish accent blocked my way.

"Just where do think you are going?" came the challenging question.
"In there is no place for a man. Out you go!"

Out I went, to be greeted by the same nurse 40 minutes later with Sharon in a green blanket. When I asked to hold her the request was denied.

"You'll be seeing enough of her during your life-time. That's all for now."

I guess the nurse was right. Forty years later we have seen plenty of her, and she has been a wonderful enrichment in our lives.

Blessings to Sharon on her  birthday and also to the Irish nurse who helped bring her to us.


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