Sunday, January 8, 2012

This week: The athletes.

The Daily Telegraph ran a sports editorial this  week on Tim Tebow. Let me quote from Melissa Whitworth:

"Tim Tebow has the U.S. in a frenzy. He has been dubbed as 'God's Quarter Back' . He prays publicly before each game without seeming to turn a hair."

The very thought of someone being unashamed of their faith in Christ has Ms Whitworth mesmerised.

"Just think," she wonders "if David Beckham or Wayne Rooney were to genuflect before Jesus while the fans looked on in awe."

Which prompts me to ask the question "Why not?".

 Here is a young man, Tim Tebow, who has taken seriously the words of Christ when He said:

 "Whosover shall confess Me before men I will confess before my Father in Heaven; whosover denies Me before men I will deny before my Father in Heaven."

With stakes as high as that the whole of Manchester United soccer team should be on their knees and the fans in the stands as well.


Tebow # 2.
Inadvertently I gave a wrong address yesterday. That gave me time to watch the Denver game and report on the "miracle" throw that gave Denver an overtime victory on the first play. Here is Tebow.
It pays to serve God!

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