Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ah! Those New Year resolutions.

The date was January 2nd and I had arrived at my local gym: the place was packed and firing on all cylinders.

Shannon, one of the fitness trainers, remarked :

"It's busy today but it will be a lot quieter in February."

She added:

"That's about the time it takes for all those New Year resolutions to wear off."

Jesus pinned it down when He said:

"The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

Today is January 6th. You're feeling good. You've not raided the 'frig, you've put time in at the gym and you've read your Bible.
But how to keep it up?

Well here are a few tips:
1) Write your goals down.
2) Share them with a good friend who will keep you accountable.
3) Reward yourself at the end of each month.
4) Begin each morning with Jesus.

When you get to the end of March write and tell me.


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