Wednesday, February 22, 2012

50 years ago today I converted to Christ.

After  tempestuous teen age years at Nelson Grammar School in Lancashire, which culminated in my expulsion, I had set out on life's adventure.
I travelled the world on a freighter, did various jobs and in my 21 st year enrolled as a mature student at Bede College in Durham.

I had been interviewed by the College President and had assured him that the days of my anarchy were over. He believed me and accepted me into the fraternity.

Then lo, on February 22nd 1962 I was arrested by the blinding illumination of Christ as Son of God.

At midnight I aroused students from their beds to tell them the good news. The next day I interrupted my professors in their lectures and was summoned before the Principal and was suspended from college for a week.

On the promise of no more preaching I was let back in with the hope that whatever brain fever I had would wear off.

It didn't and fifty years later my message remains unmuted but a little more refined. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved"

I must go. I'm going out with Pauline to celebrate my fiftieth birthday.



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