Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Turkey:1914 to 2012

"We hold these truths to be self evident..... that all men are created equal" Thus speaks the American Constitution, which goes on to say that among the inalienable rights of men are "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

It was not so in the  final days of the Ottoman Empire when Turkey conducted wholesale slaughter against the peoples of Armenia and the Pontus Greeks. During a four year period around 1,500,000 were massacred in the systematic purges of the Christian population.

That was a century ago and would have been forgotten in the archives of history but for one thing: Turkey is now pleading to become part of the Euro-Zone.

Now all is being brought to light and, conditional upon their acceptance into the E.U., Turkey must confess to the charge of the genocide of a million or more Christians.

How would that make you and me feel if they sign on to the charge? Very little different, but it would surely be a vindication to untold masses of people whose grandparents were butchered in the name of Islam. 



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