Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On this day in history.

February 29th. 1905. Great things can happen in a leap year.
On this day the Cullinan diamond, all 3,106 carats of it, was discovered in South Africa.

Later that year it was given to King Edward 7th as a birthday gift and the following year it was cut into the two largest diamonds in the world: one that is called the Star of Africa which is in Queen Elizabeth's crown and the other Cullinan 1, now residing in her jewelled scepter.

These gems are priceless and so are you. Jesus spoke about a man who, finding a treasure, sold everything he had to buy it for himself.

That price was paid at the Cross of Calvary in the currency of His blood. A wonderful thought, but that's not all. In a short while He will present each one of His people, cut and polished before the throne of God there to shine for all eternity.

Now there's a thought to make your heart leap on a leap year!


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