Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston: The Funeral.

As of this time of writing the tears, tributes and testimonies have been on the air for seven continuous hours.
Whitney Houston's funeral service has been broadcast to an estimated 70 million viewers and in an hour's time Piers Morgan will devote his entire talk show as her eulogy.

His own response to the memorial at Newark Baptist Church was framed in these words:

."These past four hours have been so real. It has been spine tingling I have never experienced a church service like this."

Perhaps this was due to the powerful testimonies of secular celebrities who gave unashamed witness to their faith in Christ.

Tyler Perry, film producer and movie mogul, transformed into a veritable gospel preacher; Kevin Costner became teary eyed as he reminisced about his early days in the Baptist Church where his father was a founding elder; Marvin Winnans brought the black audience to their feet pounding out the text "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God;" while Don Lemon, the on spot reporter from C.N.N. overflowed with gusto in his newly revived faith in Christ.

Suddenly it was good to be a Christian and the prospect of Heaven was as close as the flowers of Whitney's casket. Church had come to the millions and, to judge by the reaction of the Media and the man in the street, WE LIKED IT.

 That being the case, get up tomorrow and make your way to the house of God, so that faith "will not be something tacked on to the end of your life but prioritized into your every decision." (Marvin Winnans)



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