Sunday, February 19, 2012

The five all time record quotes and questions on GOOGLE.

We can thank Colin Harbinson, my friend from Mississippi for the GOOGLE series this week.

At Christmas he mentioned in passing that the most quoted introduction to the GOOGLE browser was:

"I want to................... DIE"

You can check it out for yourselves.

This is both staggering and disturbing. That in the Western World, which supposedly has it all and has all the answers, the most commonly recorded wish is " I want to die."

Just as disturbing is the number of respondents who share this nihilistic view and are willing to suggest ways to make it happen.

When I add that suicide is still the main cause of death among teenagers after traffic fatalities, it completes the back ground to a dark and morbid portrait of despair.

But wait, put the gun down! Pick up the Bible and turn to John 10:10.

"I am come that ye may have life and life abundantly."

This week, 50 years ago, at a low point in my life I had a blazing encounter with Jesus Christ, who I found to be alive and well.

For the last half century I have been running a company called
" J.C. Adventure Tours " Call me on 705 733 1307 and I'll tell you how you can get signed up.



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