Thursday, March 8, 2012

compos mentis; compos corpore.

The subject yesterday was that of sound health; bodily health that is.
Yet, as we know from time immemorial, health of body is only part of the equation.
There is also health of mind. The Romans summarised it neatly in the phrase "Compos mentis;compos corpore" (sound of mind and sound of body)

On my header I have included the inscription "Out with the new and in with the old" for a reason.

As part of the 'new' way of thinking we have bracketed high I.Q.
with Compos Mentis. This couldn't be further from the truth.

It is incredible the number of highly intelligent people I meet who can't think straight and a few that I have met who are behind bars!

The "old" way of understanding the working of the mind was given to us by Jesus who said that the mind cannot function independently from the heart.
In other words, sane thinking does not come from the operation of the brain only but from a pure heart upon which the conscious mind rests.

In so far as this is true I recommend Jesus Christ to you, not only as the Great Physician but also as the Great Psychiatrist

You can go to His consulting room any time and His services are free.



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