Thursday, March 1, 2012

St David's Day. March 1st

My friend, Ian Campbell, says "There are only two sorts of people in the world: the Scots and those who wish they were."

The Welsh feel the same way about their portion of the British Isles and they are fiercely proud of their patron Saint David ( Dewi in Welsh)

In two weeks time there will be parades and international hubdub marking St Patrick's Day, but let's not forget David. In many ways his job of converting the tribes of mountainous Wales to Christ was harder than Patrick's job in Ireland.

 These were the people who had defied Roman a rule and tenaciously held to their Druid religion.

David set about the task of evangelizing the Welsh with the power and eloquence of preaching; he also recognized the Welsh love of song and introduced hyms and music that was far superior to the wailing and screeching of the Druids.

Add the fact that he kept at the job for eighty years until he out lived all the opposition and we have the secret of his success.

Think of those elements of success: A superior message, superior preaching and superior music plus the quality of perseverance in the task.

Come back to Britain, David. Your country needs you!


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