Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Stations of the cross.

Established by Francis of Assisi the "Stations of the Cross" were points of contemplation for pilgrims visiting Jerusalem.
Others who stayed home were able to view the paintings on their church walls.

There were fourteen stations originally but I have taken liberty to remove those based only in tradition and add others found in scripture.

Station 1: Gethsemane.

"Gethsemane" means 'olive press' and it was in the oil press that Jesus prayed "Father take this cup from Me. Nevertheless not My will but Thine be done."
Our first point of meditation must surely be: 'What would have happened if Jesus had refused the death of the  cross and asked to to be taken back to heaven?'

There would have been no altar, no steeple, no pendants or paintings with a cross. There would have been no church, chapel or cathedral on earth; the course and destiny of humanity would have been irretrievably different.

But Christ DID decide for the cross and Gethsemane was the point of no return on that journey.

Stand in the station this morning and think about that.

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