Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In debt in a cashless society

Here is a picture from Shakespeare's "Hamlet". It is Polonius giving advice to his son, Laertes, before he sets out on his first foray into the big world.

Central to his counsel was:

 " Neither a borrower nor a lender be"

In today's language:

"For God's sake be careful with that VISA card son. I've put a $5,000:00 limit on it. Use it only in emergency and whatever you do, PAY IT OFF EVERY MONTH"

My Uncle Oliver, who fought on the Somme in WW1, came home with some grim lessons.

He talked little and lived abstemiously. He took the advice of Polonius to heart. He dealt only in cash, never had a credit card, did deals with a hand shake and, when he died, left his inheritance to my sister and myself.

Before you go deeper into Aladdin's Cave with your credit cards sit down with Uncle Oliver. He may just save you from shedding your blood in battle with the bill collectors.



P.S. Be kind to those dear old relatives of yours and they will be kind to you.

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