Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Week:The Titanic

The passenger list of the Titanic was a pantheon of the rich and famous.
Heading the roster was John Jacob Astor, the world's richest man, and his young wife Madeleine.

After the ship had struck the ice berg and it was clear that she was doomed, the signal was given to assemble on the life-boat deck.

The Astors were among the passengers lining up by the boats.

Suddenly Mrs Astor left her husband's side and dashed to her state-room. She returned with her shawl and a bag of oranges.

Her priceless jewels were ignored where they lay in the security box as were the bundles of bank notes in the desk.

Dr Samuel Johnson said:

 "Being hung in the morning will bring great focus to a man's mind"

Lady Astor was experiencing such clarity as she returned to her husband's side. Kissing him a last farewell she stepped into the life boat knowing that a shawl would keep out the cold better than a pearl necklace, and that oranges would serve her better than diamond rings.

She survived but her husband John, left behind,was discovered eight days later drowned but immaculately dressed with gold watch, diamond cuff links and several thousand dollars in his pockets.

He took none of them with him.


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