Thursday, April 12, 2012

This Week:The Titanic

It is truly frightening the responsibility that belongs to the captain of passenger liner. The recent debacle of the Costa Concordia proved that the trust given by the passengers for their safety in the delinquent captain was entirely misplaced.

So it was with Captain Edward Smith of the Titanic. This bearded veteran  had a reputation for flamboyance and was known as the "millionaire's skipper."

For numerous of the millionaires the maiden voyage of the Titanic was to be their last. Although Smith had been warned of an extensive ice field ahead of him he kept the Titanic at full speed in order to arrive at New York on schedule.

We know the consequence of his folly.

Although his ship only caught the iceberg a glancing blow it was enough to open up several small punctures in the hull. The sheer weight of the vessel meant that water entered the holds with unstoppable force especially in the forward engine room. In a matter of two and half hours the unsinkable vessel plunged into the abyss taking with her 1500 souls.

Uniforms, gold braid, and reputation: marvellous for photos and resumes but they don't give immunity from going through the traffic lights on red.


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