Sunday, June 24, 2012

Be Thankful

From time to time we need to simply stop, look around, take in the scenery and BE THANKFUL.

I live in Barrie, Ontario, one of the most picturesque places on the planet. Our city is situated on the west side of the twenty mile long, Lake Simcoe. It is at the Southern most end of a tourist area called the Georgian Triangle. We have all the amenities of the modern world, peace and safety on our streets and it is a wonderful place to live.

When I return from my trips to India and Pakistan my wife, Pauline, will find me kissing the carpet at the airport or in my hallway.
The photos explain the reason fully. 

Do you ever thank God for the vehicle you drive, the house in which you live, the good food that you eat, the education you have received, the health you enjoy, the malls in which you shop, the clean wash rooms in which you do your ablutions?

You ought to. One of these days it might be you sitting on the roof of the second coach on the left wishing you were back home!

Jubilate.  1 Thessalonians 5:18.

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