Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight

So it has happened again! Another bloodbath, another mass shooting. Horror, carnage and human devastation.
In the Denver Cineplex on Friday Night, James Holmes, a failing PHD student, took tear-gas, pistols and automatic weapons and sprayed an unarmed, undefended and totally unsuspecting audience until his bullets ran out.

Now the all the familiar questions are being asked and the equally familiar "no answers" are being given.

Allow me to give the Biblical explanation.

In April 1999  Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a shooting rampage in Littleton High School not more than 30 minutes away from where James  Holmes lived, in the suburb of Aurora.
Both these young men saved their last bullets for themselves in a final suicide.

The evil spirits that had possessed their minds and bodies hung around the area until they could find a new and willing host, named
James Holmes, whom they infiltrated in order to continue their malign purposes.

If you can furnish a better explanation please let us know.

Keep your trust in God.


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