Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Medalists.

My friend,John,from Barrie asked me to do a series on the Bible's top ten characters, what we might call the Gold Medalist's of the faith.

So tune in, John.

I would pick Abraham as an obvious choice. He gets the gold medal of faith.

At 100 years old he fathered the child of promise called Isaac. Isaac means 'laughter' and everyone was laughing with joy when he was born.
Imagine, fifteen years later God subjected Abraham to the greatest of tests when He called upon him to offer up his son as a sacrifice.

On Mt Moriah, the site of the present day Wailing Wall and Temple Mount, Abraham surmounted the challenge. God provided a ram for his offering and ever after Abraham was titled  "The Father of the Faithful".

You believe in Christ today? Then see in Abraham a picture of our heavenly father offering up His own Son on our behalf and receiving Him back from the dead.

From Abraham we receive a testimony of faith fully vindicated. He left a legacy greater than money to the whole Human Race.

Abraham, you get the Gold Medal for faith.



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