Friday, August 31, 2012

James Irwin. God got in his space suit.

Today is the funeral service of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon

The seventh man to walk on the moon was James Irwin.
He later had a card printed with these words inscribed.

"Jesus Christ walking upon earth was more important than man walking on the moon."

It was when James Irwin stepped out of the lunar landing module and looked back to the jewelled orb of earth that he was suddenly arrested by an overwhelming sense of awe.

God got into his space suit and, in his own words:

"I was overcome by the knowledge of the presence and power of God."

He carried that transforming experience back to Earth.
Colonel Irwin was to shortly leave NASA to follow what he believed to be his new vocation.

He went on to write a book; "The Moon is not Enough" and to found an organization called "High Flight Ministries."

Just think, God was on the moon waiting for Armstrong and his successors to arrive!

This should not surprise us.

3,000 years ago King David wrote in Psalm 137:

" Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from Thy Presence? If I ascend up into Heaven Thou art there:if I make my bed in Hell Thou art there.If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me."

And tonight in Ohio there is a full blue moon shining!



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