Sunday, September 2, 2012

Curiosity and the Martians

If the Martians ever come out of their hidden worm holes and see mars rover "Curiosity" it's a fair bet they will ask how it got there.

News yesterday that some school districts in the USA are forbidding any reference to "Intelligent Design" in their explanation of Origins. 

This is tantamount to the governing body on Planet Mars putting a gag-order on the discovery of "Curiosity" banning all questions as to how it arrived.

Parents beware.

If you allow secular powers to convince your children that they are no more than organized pond scum then expect their  moral development to align itself accordingly.

You will have problems.

There again, you can join up with the creationist Cro-Magnons and tell them that they have been made in the image of God.
That being the case they have a glorious purpose on Earth to fulfill and you can help them to discover it.



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