Thursday, September 13, 2012

The rich and famous:Then and Now.

Paul Getty said "If you can count your money, you are not rich."

Bernie Madoff belonged to such a plutocracy.

At the height of his dubious career his empire controlled fifty billion dollars of client investments.

Here is a picture of his Montauk, Long Island home

Then in twelve short months everything evaporated. After a bruising trial and the tragic suicide of his younger son, Madoff exchanged his accommodation for a room in another big house where he is currently residing for the next twenty years.

The Bible is absolutely clear when it warns us to put no trust in uncertain riches.

The hope is that Bernie will have plenty of time for reflection in his new quarters and will find that Jesus Christ is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life. If he does then he will again be changing his apartment for an even better mansion in the Father's House.



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