Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Then and Now: BWI

Breakfast on the balcony

About two years ago I was visiting with  the Cowgills in Cyprus.

John and Sue have been friends since Pauline and I lived in England. They have a house with a stunning view overlooking the Trodas Mountains to the North and the Mediterranean Sea to the West. It must have been the surroundings that inspired me to begin a morning talk over our cereal and toast, which Sue promptly called Breakfast With Ian.

From the four of us round the table in  Cyprus, our morning breakfast chat has grown to over a thousand people who check in through Internet and Face book.

Thus the title  "Then and Now."

This morning when I consulted with a friend in Barrie who is in the communications business about where-to-from-here with BWI he suggested that I involve everybody who sits around the breakfast table.
1) I have suggested previously that anyone who has a subject that they would like to introduce into the conversation is free to do so.
Either send me the subject and I'll write on it, or write it yourself and send it to me.
2) You can also expand our network (which goes to about twenty countries around the world) by including your friends.
You can do this by linking in with Face book, by forwarding to your own mailing list or by sending some of your friend's email addresses to me. I'll make sure they get BWI.
3) Lastly, if you wish to be a representative of your country and send me news of current events and be "Our Man in Havana."
consider yourself hired!

For anyone who wants to have breakfast at another cafe, you can always unsubscribe!



P.S. If you want breakfast in Cyprus you will have to contact the Cowgills!

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