Sunday, October 21, 2012

Five scriptures that changed my life.

This week my barber asked me which were my favourite scriptures.

I replied that they would be the ones that changed the course of my life.
Since I was in the middle of a haircut I took the opportunity to go through them.
Here they are.

Scripture one formed a  platform so that I could reach out to God.

 While I was in my early twenties in college in England I read from John 6:

 "All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out."

At that time I was in a deep search for authenticity and meaning in my life.

I said to myself

"Think of that. If Jesus Christ is truly who He says He is , He will know that I am praying and will know that I am sincere and earnest if I open my heart and come to Him."

That was as simple as I could get. I didn't know enough to get complicated. So I came with an open heart, believing that He would not turn me down.

I experienced an immediate inrush of certainty and power into my heart. In fact, the change was so dramatic that I began to interrupt my professors and disrupt lectures. How I was sent home from college and later allowed back is another story.

Fifty years later the narrative continues.



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