Monday, October 15, 2012

This Day in History. The Cell Phone.

I came across this photo of Martin Cooper and thought that it was worth passing on along with a comment.

Cooper, in October 1973, came out with the first hand-held, mobile phone.

From a party line, to the "Big Brick" , to the cell phone, to the iPhone with camera, to the super, voice activated, all encompassing, google interfaced, micro-everything that my son Mark bought last week is 40 years of evolution.

The number of cell phones in America has exceeded the population and in India, supposedly a 'Third World' nation, they have passed the billion mark in registered devices!

Much could be said about these statistics and what they portend for the future, but let me confine myself to a single thought.

It seems to me that with three billion cell phones on the earth everybody is talking but just who is doing  the listening?

And also, in this cacophony of human babble, who can find the inward solitude to listen to God. 

Three thousand years ago the psalmist wrote:

"BE STILL and know that I am God."

May I recommend that you take your ear buds out for a few minutes today and listen to what HE has to say!



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