Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This day in History. The world on the brink

North Korea nuclear weapons test

The Cuban missile crisis seems an age away and of little historical relevance, but fifty years ago, in October 1962, it brought the world to the edge of the abyss.

For a full two weeks the whole of the civilized world held its breath.

Would John Kennedy hold fast to his threat to destroy all Soviet bases in Cuba and would Nikita Kruschev retaliate by launching a nuclear attack?

Today we all know the outcome of this stand off. Both men pulled back from the brink and disaster was averted.

Now, half a century later, we are dealing with another power that seeks to arm itself with atomic weapons and terrorize its neighbours.

In tonight's presidential debate two contenders will spell out their positions on how the mad mullah's of Iran should be dealt with.

While they try and convince us as to which hand is qualified to hold the keys to the Nuclear Switch I want to comfort all believers by saying that the steadiest Hand of all is the one that has held the Helm of History since the dawn of time.

Regardless of who wins the election, you are in the charge of the unelected King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He will take good care of you.




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