Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Five great words from God to start the New Year

"Fear Not" That's an order!

"For I am WITH you."    That's the reason.

David Livingstone, the great pioneer missionary was found dead upon his knees. He was in his tent in the heart of Africa. He had circled the verse in his Bible "For LO I AM WITH YOU even to the end of the world"

Scribbled in the margin next to this promise of Jesus Christ was  his last notation.


"I am with you" Take this promise with you into 2013, I can guarantee that you will need it.

A couple of years ago I found myself miles from anywhere stuck in my car in Death Valley, California. How I got into this jam is another story (Silly me). Suffice it to say it was by trusting in this sure promise that I survived to tell the story.

Yes, He is WITH you, but stay away from Evan's Salt Lake whatever you do.



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