Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lance Armstrong:From Cheating to Cruelty

Today, Lance Armstrong has called for an amnesty to be granted to sport's dopers, not only in the field of cycling but also in all other areas of professional sport.
The idea in itself has merit but seems strange coming from the most profile, serial cheat of all time.

In my own heart I can extend a degree of sympathy to Armstrong (  the Tour de France  committee cannot award Armstrong titles to the second place finishers: they were doping as well!) but in Armstrong's case the drive to be Number One went far beyond the Yellow Jersey. He set out to crush anyone who threatened to break the ranks of silence in his team and won court cases against those who did.

That's when he went from cheating to cruelty.

In God's code of conduct, cheating is the violation of the commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness".

However, cruelty and inhumanity against your fellow competitors is a violation of the Law of Love.

The sporting public may in time accept Armstrong back as a fallen hero, but his re-entry into the fellowship of brother cyclists will probably never happen.

No more "Live-Strong" bracelets, Lance. Just a single one for you

"Live and Learn"




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