Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Russia: A sign in the Heavens

Last week,if you were living in the city of Chelyabinsk, Siberia, you would be forgiven if you thought that the end of the world had come.

Without warning there was thunderous roar, a flash of blinding light followed by a massive sonic boom.

Those who rushed to see the event were met by a hail of shattered glass as windows in hundreds of buildings imploded.

The less curious ones cowered where ever they could find shelter.

Over a thousand people finished in hospital.

A ten thousand ton meteorite travelling at 50,000 mph had arrived uninvited. 

We must all think ourselves fortunate. At the every moment this meteor struck, a whisker beyond earth's orbit an asteroid 17 kilometers in breadth zoomed on its way through space.

Had that Big Dog landed on earth I wouldn't be writing this post today.

What were the signs in the heavens that Jesus said portended His second coming? We don't fully know, but a near-miss-asteroid and and an exploding meteorite must surely be among them.



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