Sunday, February 17, 2013

The last Pope?

A lot can happen in a week.

Whilst in Cuba we heard of the resignation of Pope Benedict 16 after a brief 8 years under the Cross Keys.

At 85 years of age, ruling over his world-wide, fractious flock, one can hardly blame him for wanting some peace and quiet in his remaining days.

Who comes next is the subject of great interest and speculation among the followers of Nostradamus.

In his calculations concerning the return of Christ the visionary had predicted a certain number of Popes, the last of whom would be called Pope Peter.

He then went on to say:

"Thus shall the Last Pope be called Peter of Rome, and he shall rule until the City of the Seven Hills be utterly destroyed. Then the awful Judge shall judge His people."

 Next month the Cardinals will sit until the 'white smoke' appears and the new pontiff steps onto the balcony.

If his title is "Pope Peter" it will be time to reach for the rosary beads. 

The end is near.



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