Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hugo Chavez. When Communist leaders die.

Hugo Chavez, the socialist dictator from Venezuela, is no longer with us.
Yesterday he breathed his last and will be given a state funeral on Friday.
There will be an assembling of all the party faithful and the true socialist big wigs from South America and the Caribbean.

Eulogies will be prated and the "Red Flag Forever" will be sung, all in line with communist doctrine.

What is not commonly known is that Hugo could find no solace in Karl Marx or Fidel Castro in his waning days. With the inexorable approach of Eternity there was a procession of priests making house visits and the faithful were implored for their prayers.

I wasn't present but I can guess he received extreme unction on his death bed and was fully shrived in his confessions.

Ah! After all his chest beating and socialist bombast the great man died like any other common peon from the Venezuelan sugar plantations; meek, penitent, sprinkled with Holy Water and begging God to forgive his sins.

Eternity! So live your life now that there will be no regrets when you stand before the throne of God.



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