Monday, March 4, 2013

Taking the "WO" out of "WOMEN"

The latest intrusion of women into the world of men's sports turned out to be a fiasco.

 Yesterday,Lauren Silberman entered the trials for kickers in the 2013 draft pick for the National Football League. After taking 20 seconds to place the ball and another minute to steady herself, she managed to punt for just 19 yards (average distance 40 yards) and then retired with a strained quadriceps.

When God created the race of mankind, the Bible telling states:

"Male and female created He them"

No gender-blender, no androgyny, no Unisex: simply Male and female. And there IS a difference.

Why then this insistent urge among women to try and enter and compete in provinces that for centuries have been male?

 And can anyone tell me why men aren't clamouring to play on the Ladies Professional Golf tour or sing in the Luton Girl's Choir.

There is something special, unique, sweet and wholly appealing when women move in their God appointed roles and are simply FEMININE.

Ladies please understand this and stay away from automatic weapons, NFL trials and people who give you butch haircuts!



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