Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Joy of the Day

We don't leave "Have a good Day" to chance.
There are other ingredients than bacon and eggs to get you started right in the morning.
Yesterday I spoke about reading the POETRY of Charles Wesley over my oatmeal. Today let me speak about PRAYER.
The monks of the Middle Ages used to call morning prayer "Matins", and they got up early to do it.

You don't have to get up at 4:00 AM  and you don't have to call your quiet time "Matins" but to have a good day you DO need to pray!
If you don't pray how can your prayers ever be answered?

If you do not feel comfortable praying for your own needs (being a God-botherer as somebody once put it) then pray for the needs of others and bother Him about somebody other than yourself!
Each year, Pauline and I keep the Christmas Cards that are sent to us. 
Every morning we take one of those cards and hold it up to heaven and ask the Lord to bring His blessings upon whoever sent that card and upon their family.
If you sent us a card last year you will be prayed for at least four times a year. If you didn't, then send us a card at Christmas and there will be at least two people on earth asking God's blessing upon your life.



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