Saturday, July 20, 2013

Letter from America. Detroit goes bust.

The demise of the City of Detroit deserves at least a word of comment.
From the fourth largest city in America in 1950 with 2,000,000 people Detroit's population now registers 710,000.
In it's hey day "Mo-Town" produced eight out of every 10 cars in the world.
Now the city stands like an industrial ghost town, a sad sentinel on the South side of the Canadian border.
Yesterday the city auditor declared Detroit bankrupt with debts totaling 20 billion dollars. 
Holders of 'muni-bonds' have been offered 10 cents in the dollar, pension plans for city workers have been suspended.Thousands of houses stand derelict and the crime rate stands at an all time high.
When the auto industry went into decline there was a 'White- flight' from the city which caused "EBONY" magazine to boldly pronounce in 1967 that Detroit would be the first totally black run city in America.
Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, promptly set up Head Quarters to help this Black Muslim Mecca towards it exciting destiny.
Now the city mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick is in jail on embezzlement charges, Farrakhan has disappeared and Detroit  has officially been given 'Third World' status.
So much for the Brave New World of America's first African city and so much for the power of Islam to bring about a 20th century miracle.
Advice. Stick with your faith in Christ, stick with your church and stick with your job. All will be well.


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