Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In the footsteps of Paul

Yesterday I was talking about our trip to Corinth and the pro-consul, Gallio. He was the "I don't know, I don't care man" who dismissed charges against Paul.

There's another Roman judge who crops up shortly after Gallio in the Book of Acts.

He was called Felix.

Felix was a hard-headed "give me the facts" sort of guy who summoned Paul to his office and asked him to tell him what his message was all about.
Paul took full advantage of the invitation and got to work preaching his sermon about "Righteousness, self control and the coming judgement day."

This was not what the governor expected and he literally shook with fear. He cut Paul short and said "Enough! Come back at a more convenient time"

But when God speaks there never is a better time than NOW. If we pass by the opportunity of today we might never have another.The devil knows that if he can get people to postpone deciding for Christ till tomorrow, he can postpone the matter for ever.
Felix, I've met him a thousand times as I have preached around the earth but I don't expect that I'll be meeting him in Heaven.


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