Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Toronto: Our beloved mayor

Today another mayor joined the line-up to the public confessional.

The Toronto Mayor, Rob Ford, after six months of stout denial, finally 'fessed up to using crack cocaine while in a drunken stupor.

In doing so he is simply the latest among the mayoral miscreants in North America. 
Washington mayor, Marion Barry, was put behind bars for drug trafficking, the mayor of San Diego resigned after a barrage of charges of indecent conduct with female employees and the mayor of Detroit is doing time for embezzling city funds.

What is common in their pleas for sympathy, understanding and forgiveness is the absence of confession of their SIN.

Rob Ford declared "he made a terrible mistake." Marion Barry said  he committed a "huge error of judgment" The mayor of Detroit ruefully reflected that he had let down himself, his family and his city.

Wait a minute! I thought lying, cheating, stealing and adultery were SINS. 
Not in our brave New World lexicon. They are now classified as mistakes, errors of judgment, personal faults, misdemeanors etc. but never SINS. 
There was a time when sinners roamed the planet in great abundance.You could find them practically anywhere, not just in jails, they were  even in church.

 But no longer. Sinners are becoming an extinct species, replaced by time travellers, pilgrims, rolfers, new-agers, fellow seekers, evolvers-in-process and so on. 
Our own beloved mayor may be a liar, a cheat and a drunkard but apparently one thing he is not, and that is a SINNER.

Proof of that will be in a year's time, in the next election, when a million more non-sinners will likely vote him back for a second term!



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