Thursday, December 12, 2013

The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.

Well folks, Merry Christmas to everyone, that is, if you live in South Korea. 
Here is the satellite image of Korea this December.
Seoul, a matter of 60 kilometers from the border, appears bathed in light. They are enjoying Christmas this year and should be, since the city boasts the largest Church congregation in the world.
 They have something to celebrate.
Now look to the North. A black patch with scarce a pin prick of light. Their communistic doctrine has ensured that there is no money to turn them on, and no reason either. 
This puts me in mind of a piece of humor I once read:
COMMUNISM: You have two cows. The government takes both and gives you part of the milk.
FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both cows and sells you the milk.
NAZISM: You have two cows.The government takes both cows and then shoots you.
BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. The government takes both of them, shoots one, milks the other and then pours the milk down the drain.
CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one of them buy a bull and start a dairy farm. Then you give a Christmas food package of milk, cream and cheese to your neighbor who sits in the dark.


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