Friday, December 13, 2013

When the wrong man gets the job.

We watched , along with millions of others, as world leaders stepped to the podium to pay their respects to the memory of Nelson Mandela.

We assumed that the black interpreter standing next to the Presidents and dignitaries had security clearance and that he knew what he was talking about.
It turns out that Thamsanqa Jantjie had a history of mental illness, was hallucinating and was signing gibberish during speeches of solemn and soaring eloquence.
For example during the most poignant moments of President Obama's address Jantjie was signing "BIG FISH; LITTLE FISH IN A CARDBOARD BOX." "GET ON YOUR ROCKING HORSE" AND " YOU NEED A HAIRCUT."
 It is normal practice to exchange interpreters every 20 minutes, but this trickster kept the show going for FOUR HOURS.

Only now do we realize that the whole world was duped.

Which leads me think of the arrival of the Great Impostor, Anti-Christ, who will, by his eloquence and mesmerizing speeches, deceive the whole world.
If Thamsanqa Jantjie could do it, for Anti-Christ it will be a cinch.


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