Sunday, February 2, 2014

California: A Modern Day American Crisis.

Amid the news of global weather convulsions; floods in England, the polar vortex in North America, bush fires in Australia and a  volcano eruption in Sumatra, one looming crisis was overlooked - the drought in California.
For over a year, large parts of America's most populous state have seen no rain. Now reservoirs in the foothills are all but dry, the mountains have a fraction of their usual snow-pack and the hills are aflame in  tinder-like conditions. 
Yesterday  a motley crew of witch-doctors, Indian rain dancers and New Age Shamen were at it , invoking the skies to give forth moisture. 

None came!

But it HAS come down to prayer. The Roman Catholic bishop of California in his Sunday address has called the faithful to earnestly pray for rain. 

Who ever would have believed it!

But there is a spiritual link to all of this.

King Solomon in his dedication of the Temple prayed thus:
"When THERE IS NO RAIN because Thy people have sinned against Thee.... hear their confession in Heaven, forgive the sin of Thy servants and grant rain upon the land, and teach them to walk in a GOOD WAY." (1 Kings 8.)

Well, well. A connection between human conduct and natural disaster.

Depending on where you live on Earth you may or may not embrace that thought, but I somehow think that if YOUR lawn had shriveled and died, that it was YOU who could only shower once a week and that it was YOUR neighborhood that was served by a single water-stand pipe, you might possibly be adding your own prayers heavenward right now.



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