Saturday, May 31, 2014

Three Strikes You're Out!

1)Word out this week that, out of a world population of 7 billion, 2.1 billion are over weight. Malthus the great prognosticator of the 18th century predicted that by 1950 the earth's population would be over 1 billion people and there would be mass starvation.

2) The global warming people have, for the past twenty years, been predicting every sort of disaster if we don't switch to electric cars and reign in the flatulence of our sheep and cows. WRONG.
This year we had the coldest winter for a century in Canada and the polar bears are doing just fine, thank you very much!

3) According to the great geologist gurus, deposits of carbon-based fuels such as coal, oil and gas would be exhausted by the end of this present century. WRONG. Recent new discoveries of shale gas and oil (particularly tar sand) have extended point zero by another 500 years.

The Bible says "What does the Lord God require of thee but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly before Him"
If we do that part and let Him run His universe all will be well.
So keep calm, put the kettle on and limit yourself to ONE cookie.


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