Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Great Bible Heist

Caught in the act. Three high ranking officers in the Russian Military trying to sell an original Gutenberg Bible that they had stolen two years earlier from a safe at the Moscow University.
Their asking price from a KGB agent acting as a dealer, $1.5 million dollars ( a fraction of its true value of $27 million.)
Sergei Vedishchev and two of his cohorts will be spending the next 3 years in a Siberian penal camp.
Here, it is hoped that they will find an ordinary copy of the Bible, freely provided by Gideon's International to the prison service, and READ IT.
If it is like to one that I have read for the last fifty years it will plainly spell out the pathway to personal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This will guarantee each of them a home in Heaven which will be a light year better than cooling their heels in Siberia.
Just, maybe, it will work out well that they ever decided to steal a copy of God's Word. Let's pray so.



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