Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The last sanctuary

It has become an almost weekly event in America. Another week, another school shooting; sometimes three or four students dead, sometimes a dozen. The parents, the 'experts', the police, the politicians, the media, the 'talking heads' all asking the same banal , repetitive questions to which no one has ever given a definitive answer.
But, as I have said on the occasion of the Newton school massacre, with God legislated out of the school system, where neither prayer nor Bible reading is allowed, small wonder the devil is having a hey-day.
The last sanctuaries of human beings have now been wholly breached.
The sanctuary of the mother's womb by abortion; the sanctuary of the school room by crazed, gun-toting students; the sanctuary of the home by easy divorce; the sanctuary of the church by homosexual preachers.
There is, however, one sanctuary that never has never been, nor ever will be violated, and that is the sanctuary of God Himself.
To all who trust in Him the Lord becomes an impregnable sanctuary.
The Bible says: "The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run unto Him and they are safe"
Feeling overwhelmed today? Put on your trainers and RUN! His door is never locked, His arms are always open wide.


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