Saturday, August 9, 2014

Flight to Mt Sinjar.

Where is Mt Sinjar one may ask? Until this week we had never heard of the place, that is, until 40,000 Iraqi Christians fled for their lives to the shelter of its slopes.
And the culprit behind this desperate exodus? Who other than our sweetheart friends the Islamic State of Syria and Levant. (ISIS)
These folk have given the Yazidi Christians a simple choice, convert to Islam or receive a bullet in the head.
Where do these people ISIS get their insidious doctrine? Why, from the guiding light of the Koran which tells them to go ahead and kill all infidels who will not bow the knee to the prophet Mohamed.

To all  readers who object to fundamentalist Christians referring to the Bible as God's Holy Word, I say: "Be Happy"
If you don't like these evangelical types preaching from the Bible you may soon have people like ISIS bringing their version of the Koran to a city near you.
After all, their latest boast is to fly their flag from the roof of the White House.

Now there is a prospect for our liberally minded friends to ponder.

