Friday, May 8, 2015

An ape called "Charlotte"

Great have been the protests over the decision to give the name "Charlotte" to a monkey, recently born in a Japanese zoo.
The Japanese, with their heightened sense of honour, have wondered how their national zoo could insult the royal baby, Princess Charlotte, by associating her with an ape.
This seems a strange contradiction when we examine the matter a little further.
Why, for the past 100 years or more, the world has been spoon-fed the soma that the whole lot of us are descended from the monkey tribe. 
So why should it now be such an outrage when a well-meaning zoo-keeper in Japan names his baby monkey "Charlotte"?
After all, he was simply going back into human genealogy and stating what the gullible public have been believing for years:
namely, that his charge in the ape house in Japan and the royal baby in London are directly connected by ancestry.

