Sunday, May 3, 2015

Shock and Awe. When Mountains Move.

Things can happen in a moment that can turn our ordered lives and carefully arranged plans into chaos.
Two weeks ago the Calbuco volcano blew it's top. Here it is before and after.
Then last week the whole of Nepal was shaken in a gigantic earthquake that left scarce a building intact in Kathmandu.

Here are pictures of the sacred pillar, before and after.
Shock and awe indeed. When tranquility turns to terror and stability to total chaos.

But shall anything compare with the event that is shortly to occur? The glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ from Heaven.

The Bible says that when He comes every eye shall see Him and every face behold.  Be ready my friends for this will truly be shock and awe! Look up for your redemption is almost here! 
