Friday, May 29, 2015

Big Food: "Suffer the little Children to come unto me"

Perhaps the most egregious and sinister aspect of the processed food industry is their unashamed entrapment of children in their hideous, corporate kitchens.
The move from old- fashioned-breakfast cornflakes to the array of sticky, slathery, sugar-caked components has been accomplished in 10 years and has rocketed childhood obesity off the charts.
As I said in an earlier post, it rates as one of the crimes of the century.
Charles Mortimer, the head of General Foods, started a movement when he said in speech to eager junk-food evangelists "Get cornflakes out of your brain. Heck, when my grand-daughter comes down for breakfast, sometimes she just wants cake!"
From that day forward the era of pop-tarts, pop-ups and everything sugary was launched, all aimed at children. If it wasn't enough for breakfasts, "Luncheables" followed on the heels of pop-tarts.
Describing these slick, pre-packaged meals, Geoffrey Bible, head of Kraft corporations, admitted that the most nutritious part of the lunch-box was the yellow napkin at the bottom.
We are talking about serious things here folks.
In 1999 it was estimated that 6 million children in the USA were seriously obese. 15 years later that figure has TRIPLED, with half of that number suffering from type 2 diabetes and many having the arteries of  45 year olds.
We must look beyond carrot sticks and apple slices for the solution.
Next post. The grocery store and the Garden of Eden.
