Sunday, May 24, 2015

Food. The quest for the "Point of Bliss"

This has all been a revelation to me.  Before reading "Salt, Sugar, Fat"by Michael Moss, I had failed to understand the connection between big money and the SCIENCE  behind the processed food industry.
It was only last week that I read of the legions of scientists (many with degrees in psychology from Harvard) who study responses in the human brain when food is eaten.
They have made intricate maps of the tongue and have been seeking, with all devices possible, the place called the "point of bliss" 
This is a perfect conjunction between the four major taste buds and the right balance and mixture of certain morsels as they are ingested and chewed. It's the "Aah" experience, the moment of bliss that is immediately relayed to the brain and lights up the pleasure centers in the cortex.
Was that a pop tart or cheesy piece of pizza or a spoon full of Hagen Daaz ice-cream that did that?I don't know. The main thing is that the message "I like that. Do it again" is repeated again and again. Thus the door to food addiction is opened up that has led millions of Americans into the hell of obesity.
In my next post we will be traveling down that road and see why Big Business wants to keep as many people as possible driving down the fast-lane.
